This perennial favorite has just the right mix of hearty sausage, vibrant spinach, and a perfectly balanced three-cheese blend. With a quick-cooking sauce...
All you need for this tasty dinner is a bag of onions, garlic, some dried pasta, and cheese. Caramelizing sliced onions in a little butter and olive oil...
This breakfast treat rises like Yorkshire pudding and has the texture of a classic baked pancake. Sprinkle powdered sugar over the pancake after it's baked,...
This recipe has all the makings for your new favorite classic fish sandwich: Crispy fried white flounder fillets enveloped in two thick slices of white...
The Epicurious test kitchen baked up the most popular versions of banana bread on our site to discover what we like (or didn't like) about each one. Then...
As with hot chocolate, use any milky liquid you prefer, whether it's from a cow, nuts (almond milk), beans (soy milk), or grains (rice milk). For sweeteners,...
Among the many stories regarding the origins of this dish, the one we deemed "most likely, and most likely to succeed" came to us in 1944. E. Clarke King...
Editor's note: The recipe and introductory text below are adapted from Elizabeth Karmel's Web site, . Grilling asparagus miraculously...
You'll need your favorite seafood seasoning and your biggest pot for this boil (also called Frogmore Stew, One-Pot, or Farmer's Seafood Boil) brimming...
This is the hearty pasta dish that everyone loves to eat. The rigatoni cooks right in the sauce, which not only saves you from having to wash an extra...
Stuffed-shells don't have to be a weekend project. This one-pan, stovetop-only version turns mushroom-and-spinach stuffed shells into an easy weeknight...
A crumbly slab of Cheddar is a centuries-old accompaniment to a slice of apple pie; it imparts character in a way that a scoop of ice cream can't hope...
One of the reasons I like to cook mostly healthy food is so I can justify the occasional dish like this one. Plus, any one-skillet meal where the pasta...
Editor's note: This recipe appears as part of our editors' Christmas Cookie Swap, 10 beloved holiday recipes from the editors of Epicurious and Gourmet...
It's impossible to go wrong with pecan pie. Especially one that is really loaded with nuts, has a little verve from orange zest, and isn't overly sweet-exactly...
Slow-cooking dark leg meat results in incredibly tender, flavorful chicken. However, if you prefer white meat you can substitute bone-in chicken breasts....